
Do you ever just feel confused by all the media that gets shoved in your face all the time??

Over Saturation

Over saturation is the life-blood of our world
Pelting images
Second after second
In pixelated
Ever complicated
Never ending
Mixed message-sending swirls

But which image is applicable to me?
Which one’s a mirror to my soul?
My singular conformity
So boringly unfashionable
And outwardly,
Well-planned, yet
Which saturates my soul with glee?

Perhaps there is no knowing
In the pixels of the self
Perhaps their instant death upon the screen
Reflects a part of me
I shed
Have seen
Have been
And don’t want to repeat
They’re now out-dated and out-felt

All we have to do is make a click again
To see what’s next up on the screen
Forget the radio
Forget the books my parents read
The solid word is dead
All around us many different headless voices flow
But word-sodden
Is it any wonder,
I’m not sure which way
My body blows

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